A simple component which allows you to show your work on website, whether you are a Freelancer or doing a job, a coder or a designer, an individual or a company, Simple and easy with Jquery popup for project images. Also see the Module for this component. Updated code to protect from SQL injection and added joomla methods for GET.Note: Please update to version 2.1 to protect yourself from SQL injection.
Note: This is a complete re-write of My Projects component according to Joomla 3, with module. Please contact support if you want to transfer from old version to new version.
“Hi! I've downloaded and tried your program, and seems cool. The program looks great, lots of hours to save with it! :)”
- Attila Péterfalvy
“Thanks for gegabyte joomla component creator.”
- Radovan Jankovic
“WOW - you have a great support and also a great product. It is easy and powerfull.Thank you wery much. Looking forward to the new release.”
- Thobru
“Just installed GegaByte Component Maker and gave it a shot. Looks great, works great. It's going to be my new companion for Joomla 3.0 development.”
- Udo Chrosziel, Germany
“I'm using your software joomla component maker. You did a great job. Thank for your nice software. May Allah bless you.”
- Sharif Ahmed, Dhaka, Bangladesh
“Thank you for this great program!”
- Dmitry
“Hello, first receive my congratulations for practice and nice application GegaByte Component Maker. Thank you once again for nice app and your support.”